Virginia-Highland has its own unique version of Neighborhood Watch. It involves connecting residents via a network of Street Captains who share information such as crime reports, and also facilitate occasional street gatherings.

We believe that neighbors who know each other look out for each other, and that is our most effective method of deterring crime.


If you don’t know who your Street Captain is, please email us and be sure to include your name, street name, and house number–we will get you connected!


Street Captains volunteer to be responsible for connecting neighbors on a block, street, apartment or condominium building, workplace, or house of worship. If your section of the neighborhood doesn't already have a street captain, consider volunteering to get to know your neighbors, and then to help them get to know each other.

If your street already has a captain, offer to help by taking over your block, or building, or by hosting a gathering.

The street captain roll is not particularly time consuming. The main job is to get information to people on your street such as the safety reports published once a month. Most street captains accomplish this by simply forwarding the report to an email list. The program has been in place since 2007, so we have plenty of advice to get you started. Contact your street captain or Patrick Allos, Street Captain Coordinator, to learn more.